Here is a list of libraries and packages I have either created or contributed to in a significant way.
A package implementing randomized property testing in Julia. It aims at being fast, efficient and easy to use and extend. Main features include:
Integration with Julia's unit test framework
Support for "special cases"
Serialization of problematic cases
Shrinkage of failing test cases
"Built-in" usual predicate
An Asymptote library for plotting ancestral recombination graph with mutation. The software allows the user to specify a set of sequences that are used as the leaves of the graph as well as a sequence of coalescence/recombination events. Lineage then infers the mutation events and the value of internal nodes. The resulting graph can be exported as a vector image. Main features include:
Infers mutation events and internal nodes valuation
Manages missing values (modeled as non-ancestral material in the leaves)
Direct LaTeX integration (details)
Multiple mutations per coalescence event
Customizable vertices latitude