Linked supporting material (slides...) might have been corrected or otherwise modified since its initial publication.
Impédance génétique: votre famille comme un circuit électrique⚡⚡
For the Journée de la recherche STATQAM A presentation on how classic circuit analysis can be applied to genetics.
Score de risque polygénique et épistasie: une approche "model free" basée sur le processus de coalescence
For the STATQAM seminar series. A presentation on how the Coalescent might be used to account for epistasis when computing polygenic risk scores. Joint work with Fabrice Larribe.
Les nombres à virgule flottante: simple comme .1 + .2 = .3!
For the AECSM seminars series. An informal overview of the various problems that arise when working with real numbers on a computer.
MAT8186 - Techniques avancées en programmation statistiques R
I have been teaching the advanced R course @ UQAM since the automn semester of 2019. All classroom material is hosted on GitHub and publicly available.
JCheck.jl: Randomized Property Testing Made Easy
For JuliaCon 2022. A short presentation of my Julia package JCheck.jl. Since the meeting was virtual, a recording is available!
Accounting for Epistasis in PRSs Through the Coalescent
For the 2022 annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. Joint work with Fabrice Larribe. This project is motivated by the need to account for epistasis (SNP-SNP interaction) in polygenic risk scores. We introduce a framework for "model-free" phenotypical prediction based on genomic data.